在英语学习过程中经常会遇到英语单词virile,那么你知道英语单词virile是什么意思吗?你知道英语单词virile怎么读吗?下面我们就一起来了解一下英语单词virile的中文翻译和音标是什么: virile怎么读:英 [ˈvɪraɪl] 美 [ˈvɪrəl] virile是什么意思:adj. 男性的;有男子气概的;刚健的 virile的例句和用法 1. The sword image shows his ideal and leads to virile, solemn and stirring style. 剑意象抒发了词人的理想,也成就了船山词沉郁遒劲、苍凉悲壮的风格。 2. An office cleaner, a young timid aristocrat, a virile and tender cook as well as his beloved grandmother who are fragile and amusing. 爱绘画的清洁工,性格内向的单身贵族,魅力十足的厨师,和他敏感而有趣的祖母。 3. Even when they had been deprived of their virile organs, our men were still a thousand times more men than all their tormentors together. 甚至在失去生殖器官后,我们的人仍然比所有施刑者加在一起更像男人一千倍。 与virile相关的英语单词: 1,viewpoint是什么意思,viewpoint怎么读? 2,vigorous是什么意思,vigorous怎么读? 3,victory是什么意思,victory怎么读? 4,vicissitude是什么意思,vicissitude怎么读? 5,vest是什么意思,vest怎么读? 6,verdict是什么意思,verdict怎么读? |