关于交通安全的英语口号标语一般会用在各个重要交通路口的位置,有的以横幅形式、有的以LED屏幕形式,这么做的目的既能够提醒国内人注意交通安全,同时也能够提醒国外友人,必经英语是全球通用语言,希望这些英语口号标语能够对您的交通安全起到一定的帮助。 关于交通安全的英语口号标语 1.文明交通安全在,留住生命留住爱。 Traffic safety in civilization, keep life keep love. 2.文明行路路畅通,平安回家家温馨。 Civilization on the road smooth, safe home sweet home. 3.道路非比球场,不要合理冲撞。 She is not a road stadium, not reasonable collisions. 4.大家小家是一家,交通安全靠大家。 Your home is a, traffic safety depends on everybody. 5.谨慎驾驶一帆风顺,遵纪守法十分安全。 Careful driving smooth, discipline is very safe. 6.违章横穿高速路,难免踏上黄泉路。 Illegally crossing highway, hard to avoid on the road. 7.跨入校园,好好学习;走出校门,好好走路。 Enter the campus and study well; Out of the school, a good walk. 8.离交通安全法近,距交通事故远。 Far near the traffic safety, is apart from the traffic accident. 9.交通法规记心中,人身安全在手中。 Personal safety traffic rules to remember in heart, in his hand. 10.乱穿马路最危险,文明行路保安全。 The most dangerous jaywalking, civilization on the road safety. 11.安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源。 Safety is the soul of life, violate the rules and regulations is the source of the accident. 12.交通法规人人遵守,文明社区家家幸福。 Traffic laws observance, civilized community every happiness. 13.保障交通安全,促进改革开放。 Safeguard the traffic safety, and promote the reform and opening up. 14.良药苦口利于病,交通法规利于行。 Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth, the traffic regulations for line. 15.谨慎驾驶千趟少,大意行车一回多。 Careful driving thousand less, careless driving more than once. 16.开车不喝酒,酒后不开车。 Drive don't drink, don't drink and drive. 17.遵守交通法规,平安与你同在。 Obey the traffic rules and regulations, and peace be with you. 18.道路连者你和他,安全系着千万家。 Even you and him, security with thousands of. 19.安全与守法同在,事故与违法相随。 Security and compliance, accidents and illegal. 20.违章罚款是手段,安全教育是内容,交通安全是目的。 Violations is means, security education content, traffic safety is the goal. 21.穿马路越护栏,不守法是隐患。 The fence, the road doesn't obey the law is a hidden trouble. 22.行人靠边走,车成靠右行,交通秩序好,人车保安宁。 Pedestrians along road, the car to keep right, good traffic order, one car. 23.行人过路要小心,提前准备防万一。 Pedestrian crossing to be careful, ready to prevent one thousand ahead of schedule. 24.树立交通文明意识,自觉维护交通秩序。 Set up traffic civilization consciousness, consciously maintain traffic order. 25.十次肇事九次快,莫和死神去比赛。 Ten times the nine times faster, and death to the game. 26.红灯,绿灯,灯灯是令;弯道,直道,道道小心。 A red light, green light, light the lamp is made; Straight, bend, be careful. 27.道路连着千万家,安全连着你我他。 Road connecting part, attached to you I him. 28.人不斜穿,不车越线,各行其道。 People are not inclined to wear, don't cross the line, side of the road. 29.走遍东西南北中,安全二字记心中。 Throughout north and south, east and west, the security word written in the heart. 30.树立现代交通意识,养成良好交通习惯。 Set up the consciousness of modern transportation, to form a good habit of traffic. 31.出了车祸速报警,救死扶伤见真情。 Out of the car accident alarm, heal the wounded and rescue the dying people. 32.何愁路途多遥远,遵守法规保平安。 Why should I worry about the journey more distant, and abide by the laws and regulations to protect peace. 关于交通安全的英语口号标语就为您介绍到这,下面是高考学生交通安全注意事项。 高考学生交通安全注意事项 莘莘学子们注意啦!高考期间一定要注意交通安全 考生、家长出行安全注意事项: 1、注意选择适当的交通工具,尽量不要乘坐摩托车,多乘坐公共交通工具,减轻交通压力; 2、不论是乘公交还是开私车去考点,都要提前选择好路线和熟悉路线; 3、要充分估计到交通堵塞等意外情况,适当提前出发以免耽误考试,避免因为赶时间而引发交通事故。 4、请留意考点周边的绕行标志,提前做好绕行准备,避免不必要的拥堵情况; 5、请考生家长不要直接把孩子送到学校门口,可以提前让孩子下车步行至考场,以免发生拥堵; 6、请开车送考生的家长要提前检查车辆确保车况良好,听从交警指挥,在指定地点停车,并做到“即停即下即走”; 7、文明出行,遵守交通法规,避免发生意外而延误赶考时间; 8、赴考路上如发生道路拥堵,时间紧急,考生预计无法按时到达考场时,可以向附近交警求助,或拨打110,请求交警提供帮助。 |