创新是我们在这个世界上不断进步的动力,是前进的源泉,我们只有求新求已世界才能发展变化,下面就是与创新有关的英语名言警句,不仅提升我们对英语的认知能力,也为我们理解创新提供了理论依据。 1、我创造,所以我生存。 I create, so I live. 2、伟业是留给伟人创造的。 Great is for great creation. 3、欢乐的名字是创造。 Joy is the name of creation. 4、创造者才是真正的享受者。 The creator is the real enjoyment. 5、创新就是创造一种资源。 Innovation is to create a resource. 6、创造难,模仿容易。 Create difficult, easy to imitate. 7、创举促进创造力的发展。 Initiative to promote the development of creativity. 8、创新是科学房屋的性命力。 Innovation is a scientific life force of the building. 9、渐进思想是创新的最大敌人。 Thought is the biggest enemy of innovation. 10、对新的对象必须创出全新的概念。 For the new object must hit a new concept. 11、在中国,创新就是率先模仿。 In China, innovation is the first to imitate. 12、创新是做大公司的惟一之路。 Innovation is the only road to the big company. 13、保守是舒服的产物。 A conservative is a product of comfortable. 14、企业竞争力的实现取决于创新的细胞 The realization of the enterprise competitiveness depends on innovation of cells 15、正确对待前人理论,学百家之长,自主创新。 Treating the predecessors' theory, learning hundreds of long, independent innovation. 16、此刻一切完美的事物,无一不是创新的结果。 At the moment everything perfect, notting have is not the result of innovation. 17、创新就是在生活中发现了古人没有发现的东西。 Innovation is found something which the ancient people did not find in your life. 18、道在日新,艺亦须日新,新者生机也;不新则死。 Is the tao in nissin and art should also renewed, the new vitality and; No new, death. 19、决不能在没有选择的情况下,作出重大决策。 Must not be in the absence of choice, to make major decisions. 20、一个具有天才的禀赋的人,绝不遵循常人的思维途径。 A man with a genius of genius, not follow the normal way of thinking. 21、如果试图改变一些东西,首先应该接受许多东西。 If you try to change something, first of all should accept many things. 22、企业管理过去是沟通,现在是沟通,未来还是沟通。 Enterprise management is communication in the past, now is communication, or communication in the future. 23、遇到难题时,我总是力求寻找巧妙的思路,出奇制胜。 Encounter difficulties, I always strive to find clever way of thinking, a surprise. 24、唯有创造才是快乐。只有创造的生灵才是生灵。 Only create is happy. Only by creating the creatures are creatures. 25、致富的秘诀,在于“大胆创新、眼光独到”八个大字。 The secret of getting rich, is the "bold innovation, vision" eight characters. 26、天才的主要标记不是完美而是创造,天才能开创新的局面。 Genius of the main mark is not perfect but creation, days to create a new situation. 27、一个人不要太优秀,相当优秀就可以了。太优秀的人太痛苦。 A person not too good, really good. Too good too painful. 28、随着一种观念的流行,言语创新的程度丝毫不亚于习惯改变的程度 Words with the popularity of an idea, the degree of innovation is no less habits change 29、作为一个未来的总裁,应该具有激发和识别创新思想的才能。 As a future President, should have inspired and identify innovative thinking ability. 30、我们要记着,作了茧的蚕,是不会看到茧壳以外的世界的。 We want to remember, make the silkworm cocoon, cocoon shell which is not see the world. 31、若无某种大胆放肆的猜想,一般是不可能有知识的进展的。 Without some sort of bold and wild guess, is generally impossible to have the progress of knowledge. 32、凡能独立工作的人,一定能对自己的工作开辟一条新的路线。 People who can work independently, can open up a new route in their work. 33、好的职业经理人能够调整自己血液里的创业成分和职业成分。 Good professional managers can adjust their business component in the blood and professional composition. 34、科学技术史证明,过多的知识信息有时反倒会妨碍和限制创新。 Science and civilisation, too much information but sometimes get in the way of knowledge and innovation. 35、科学的存在全靠它的新发现,如果没有新发现,科学便死了。 The existence of the science on which all the new findings, if there is no new discovery, science is dead. 36、一个没有创新潜质的民族,难以屹立于世界先进民族之林。 A nation without innovation potential, difficult to standing in the world advanced nation community. 37、创造包括万物的萌芽,经培育了生命和思想,正如树木的开花结果。 Creation including the germination, by cultivating the life and thoughts, as the trees blossom. 38、咱们不能人云亦云,这不是科学精神,科学精神最重要的就是创新。 Let's not conformity, this is not a scientific spirit, scientific spirit is the most important is innovation. 39、竞争优势的秘密是创新,这在现在比历史上的任何时候都更是如此。 Innovation is the secret of the competitive advantage that now than at any time in history. 40、想出新办法的人在他的办法没有成功以前,人家总说他是异想天开。 Come up with new ways to man before his way to success, people always said he was good to be true. 41、同是不满于现状,但打破现状的手段却不同:一是革新,一是复古。 With is dissatisfied with his present condition, but the means to break the status quo are different: one is innovation, one is to restore ancient ways. |